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Delegating tasks and responsibilities to employees is essential for any leader’s job. We all know that it can be difficult, but you can do some simple things to help yourself out. We will discuss four ways to delegate more effectively so that your team members feel empowered and ready for the challenge.

1. Be Clear About What Exactly You Want To Be Done

When delegating tasks, it is essential that your team members can easily understand what you want to be done and in a way that they feel confident about completing the assignment successfully. It may be in your best interest to write down a list of clear instructions to avoid any confusion or contradictions from being made. You should also provide detailed information on how long the task should take so that no false presumptions are made, leading to wasted time and effort.

2. Give Them Room To Grow

A common mistake amongst leaders is giving their direct reports only small tasks, ones that they have already proven themselves capable of doing well with little to no prior guidance. With this mentality, employees may not expand their skillset and are bored with what they’re doing because they know they can handle it. It’s essential to try and push your team members by giving them new tasks that may be slightly out of their comfort zone. If they can complete the job successfully, you should acknowledge their effort and encourage them to keep up the good work.

3. Be Supportive

A key part of delegating is providing your team with constant support whenever necessary. This doesn’t necessarily mean hand-holding or doing all of their work for them but rather being there as a resource when questions arise about the task at hand. As long as you don’t take over everything, encouraging words from their superiors will motivate employees to do an even better job because they feel like they have more room to grow! So make sure you are available when they need you and try to give them as much assistance as possible.

4. Don’t Micromanage

The most important thing about delegating effectively is how you deal with the outcome of their work. Micromanaging your team can do more harm than good because it makes them feel like they aren’t capable of doing a good job without you there holding their hand all the time. Try not to hover over them during the process to have enough room to learn from their mistakes and grow from the experience. If this means allowing them to make a few errors along the way, then so be it! You will know what areas they struggle in and guide them appropriately, but only if you give them some space first.


Remember that delegating is taking on more responsibility to help your company grow. A big part of being a good leader knows when and how to delegate effectively to make sure all projects are executed efficiently.